Common Habitat of Snakes

Clarksville snake

Just like all living beings, snakes will need specific things to survive. They will need water and food to keep their body nourished. They will also need a safe and secure habitat that will keep them protected from predator's threats and severe weather conditions. Different species of snake can survive in various types of places. Some of them prefer to live in the desert; others can be found in the tropical rainforest.

Where Do Snakes Live?
Snakes can survive in a range of conditions, but they prefer to stay in warm places. They are cold-blooded creatures, which means that they cannot regulate their body temperature. They have this unique ability to slow down their metabolism; therefore, they can go to the point of hibernation when the weather is too cold, and there is no source of food. Snakes will build their nest in any stable and safe place. They want to make sure that it will protect them from any elements that can harm them. They may live at the abandoned burrows of rodents, under the piles of rocks, tree joints, under the gravel, or buried in the sand. They can also change their shelter depending on the season.

How Do Snakes Choose Their Habitat?
There are various reasons why a snake will choose a particular habitat. It can offer them safety, or it may be close to their food source. Additionally, you will not usually find them in a place with high human activity. They will rely upon the vibration to determine if there are significant movements in that site.

· Safety- One of the significant reasons why snakes will choose their habitat is to keep them safe from the threats of their predators. Birds, humans, and even several land carnivores can endanger their life. By finding a safe shelter, they can remain hidden when they are not hunting actively. They can also look for a habitat when they are vulnerable, for instance, when they are shedding their skin or giving birth to their young ones.

· Ambushing their Prey- Rattlesnakes will use their shelter to remain hidden from the sight of their possible prey. They will stay inside their habitat while patiently waiting for a rodent or insect to pass by. They will then launch a strike and capture their prey by surprise. They can wait at least 48 hours in the same spot when they are ambushing their prey.

· Avoid the Extremes- Different species of snakes can survive in hostile places such as the desert. The extreme temperature will make it challenging for them to survive since they cannot regulate their body temperature. To remain in the state of homeostasis, the snake will spend the hottest time of the day inside their burrows, under the sand, bushes, and piles of rocks. Once the weather becomes too cold, they will retreat inside the human shelter to keep their body warm.

Different types of snakes will survive in a range of habitats. You can find them in the arid desert or the wettest rainforest. You can encounter them in the meadows, grassland, and woodlands. As long as it is not subarctic or arctic, they will be able to survive. Some of them will be brave to live close to humans, especially if there is an abundant food source. Go back to the home page: Snakes of Clarksville